
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)

    Guru and Disciple

    In Insights into Initiation , Guénon defines initiation as "essentially the transmission of a spiritual influence." It is this transmission that is the subject of this first issue of Aditi . It explores the tradition of master and disciple and the transmission of sacred knowledge—metaphysical knowledge culminating in self-knowledge but also traditional arts such as Indian dance—in classical and contemporary Hinduism. The next issue will be devoted to Kali Yuga and the Hindu vision of time and history.

    Guru and Disciple

    In Perspectives on Initiation , Guénon defines initiation as “essentially the transmission of a spiritual influence”. This process of transmission is the topic of this first issue of Aditi . It explores the master-disciple tradition and the transmission of Sacred Knowledge – metaphysical science, culminating in self-knowledge but also traditional disciplines such as Indian classical dance – in traditional and contemporary Hinduism. The next issue will treat the question of the Kali Yuga and the Hindu conception of time and history.

    Editorial ( pdf )
    Renaud Fabbri

    “The seed will never perish”: Interview with Swami Swarupananda Saraswati

    The Master-Disciple Tradition in India
    Álvaro Enterría

    The Traditional Vedantic Method by which a Guru enlightens the Student
    Ira Schepetin

    Questioning Authority: Reflections of the Sage of Kanchi on the Guru-Shishya Relationship
    Vasanthi Srinivasan

    The Guru at the intersection between the Path of Knowledge and the Path of Love
    Martine Chifflot

    The Master-Disciple Transmission in Ancient India from Transformation to Awakening according to the Kashmir Shaiva Philosopher Abhinavagupta
    Colette Poggi

    Means to the End and End of the Means: Reflections on Guru , Mantra , Upāya and Upeya
    Patrick Laude

    Sundaram Sadhana Pada : the Path of Beauty
    Sarah Vieira Magalhaes

    “  Guru and disciple”: a Documentary Film on the Vedantic Path of Self-Realization
    Renaud Fabbri


    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)

    Renaud Fabbri

    Interview with Swami Amritananda Saraswati

    Morning Remembrance Hymn: Prātaḥ Smaraṇa Stotram
    Ādi Śaṅkara (trans. Ira Schepetin)

    Section on the Kali yuga

    Alchemy of Time: Kashmir Shaivism on How to Kill Death and Be Time Rather Than a Victim of It
    David Dubois

    History and Time: an Indian Perspective
    Álvaro Enterría

    Postmodernism and the Signs of Time
    Patrick Laude

    From Self-Mastery to Self-Surrender: Silver Linings in the Dark Age of Kali
    Vasanthi Srinivasan

    The Theory of the Ages: From The Laws of Manu to Plato's Republic
    Martine Chifflot

    The Time of the End and the End of Time: The Dialectics of History in René Guénon
    David Bisson

    At the Root of Evil? Eric Voegelin and India
    Renaud Fabbri


    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)

    Renaud Fabbri

    The Yoga of Knowledge and its Methodology
    Swami Yogananda Saraswati

    Yoga, Vedānta and Sādhanā  according to the Advaitin tradition
    Ira Schepetin

    The advent of modern postural yoga (preceded by a preamble )
    Tara Michaël

    Yoga and Cosmology of Sāṃkhya
    Amandine Girard

    The Distinction Between Mind and Consciousness
    Avinash Chandra

    The liberating paths of Yoga and Vedānta
    Martine Chifflot

    Yoga and Ayurveda
    Morgan Vasoni

    The yogic dance of Maheśvara ( English Original )
    Sarah Magalhães

    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)

    Renaud Fabbri

    || Ratha-kalpanā || L’analogie du char (Kaṭha Upaniṣad I, iii, 3-11)
    Traduction et commentaire de Swami Yogananda Sarasvati

    Le moi, le monde et Dieu : perspectives dualistes et non-dualistes du Vedānta
    Martine Chifflot

    Vedānta traditionnel et néo-Vedānta
    Ira Schepetin

    Svāmī Satchidānandendra Sarasvatī  ou la critique de la raison vedāntique
    Renaud Fabbri

    La notion d’ahaṃkāra
    Amandine Girard

    Émerveillement incandescent : le raisonnement analogique dans le Viśiṣṭādvaita (Original English Article)
    Vasanthi Srinivasan

    Advaita Vedānta et Shivaïsme du Cachemire : unité ou dualité ?
    David Dubois

    L’unité des religions [Dharmõ kī ektā]
    Svāmī Karpātrī
    Traduction de l’hindi et introduction de Felix Herkert

    || Śāktādvaita-Sādhanā-Sāra || L’Essence de la pratique spirituelle du Śaktisme non-duel
    Traduction de Pierre Bonnasse